Maggy runs two regular Kabbalah study groups, one online and one in Devon, as well as leading regular workshops at Atlantis Bookshop and The College of Psychic Studies in London
The groups are sacred Kabbalistic spaces for studying the nature of the human soul, God, spirit and the Universe.
The online group began with a free webinar in May 2015. You can still view this on YouTube here.
This online group meets regularly on Tuesday evening at 8pm UK time via Zoom webinar software, by invitation only. These sessions are not recorded or re-broadcast. It is up to members to make the effort and commitment to get there on time.
If you are interested in joining this welcoming, non-dogmatic, very safe space please email There are ground rules—including having read one of a selection of books on Kabbalah to ensure that you are not a complete novice. This is essential so that we can use the same language to discuss the journey of the soul.
Four of the suggested books are:
Way of Kabbalah, Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi.
School of the Soul, Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi.
Kabbalah Made Easy, Maggy Whitehouse.
Total Kabbalah, Maggy Whitehouse.
However, if you have read any book on Kabbalah, that’s a good enough start – although there are many different kinds of schools. We have absolutely nothing to do with The Kabbalah Centre. Or you can watch Maggy’s Kabbalah videos on YouTube.
The Devon group commences meeting again in January 2023. The meetings are on the first Saturday of each month. Again, email for details.
This school is grounded in the teaching of the Toledano Tradition of Kabbalah, which has its roots in the La Convivencia of Spain in the 10th-12th centuries where mystics of the Judaic, Christian and Islamic faiths studied together in harmony.
No matter where you are in your spiritual quest, no matter your faith or family of origin, no matter your current ideological stance, your presence supports and enlarges us all.
All the teaching is given freely. However, donations to support it are much appreciated at all times. There is a Paypal donate button below.
May your life be blessed with Grace.