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Kabbalah The Wisdom Of Your Soul, a five-part downloadable course by Maggy Whitehouse. Click below to get Part One completely FREE, or dive straight in and buy the whole course at a serious discount. Part One Completely FREEBuy The Whole CourseAlso
Merkabah Meditations
by Maggy, which you can find by clicking the “Click Here” Button to the right. Enjoy…
This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”
— Jeremiah 6:16.
“On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”
— Revelation 22.2.
“Maggy Whitehouse is, undoubtedly, the foremost Kabbalistic teacher and author alive on the planet. She brings clear eyes, deep thought and a loving heart to the mysterious process of unlocking wisdom from its ancient vaults. Let her entertain you, embolden you and awaken you to the power of your own essential nature”
— Professor Peter Bolland, Chair of Philosophy at Southwestern College, San Diego.
The Tree of Sapphires is another name for the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This is the structure that underpins the Western mystery tradition and enables it to update for each generation. This updating is vital to keep a mystical system formulated in Biblical times both profound and understandable for every age. It holds to strong spiritual principles but allows humanity to evolve. “Cultural patterns may change; Universal law does not.”—Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi.

Maggy Whitehouse is the author of Kabbalah and Healing, Total Kabbalah, Living Kabbalah, The Illustrated History of Kabblah and A Woman’s Worth — The Divine Feminine in the Hebrew Testament.
Maggy’s focus is on updating this ancient tradition for the modern world through using her own culture and expertise. We hope that you enjoy Maggy’s work and are inspired to find your own unique path of revelation.
Kabbalah and Healing is Maggy’s latest book, an in-depth study of how to use the Tree of Life to transform dis-ease at all levels.
Read the introduction and first chapter for free here.
If you don’t have a local independent bookshop, you can purchase your copy here – UK – and here – world.
It includes her own personal journey of healing from a life-threatening disease.

“The Perennial Tradition teaches that all that is true, is true always and everywhere. Kabbalah is part of this eternal wisdom, a way of describing and understanding the patterns of the universe for the purposes of healing our relationships with God, ourselves, each other and the Earth.
“This is an oral tradition, intended to be updated by each generation’s teachers. As a woman and a Universal Christian rather than a Jewish man, Maggy is a much-needed 21st century pioneer of this important work.”